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Manga Reviews

Volume 1 must be the most endearing.

Hi, in the next few weeks I'll be using this site to publish my thoughts on manga.

I'll be exclusively reviewing Volume 1 of each series. And I'm only reviewing physical books with official North American releases.

I plan to review each volume mostly as an individual work, but also the seed that gave room to the rest of the series. So, I will read each manga all the way up to its current release. Unless it becomes unreadable.

Each volume will be compared to its predecesors and contemporaries, in an effort to acertain its cultural impact at release.

Undead Unlock Vol1
Undead Unluck
by Yoshifumi Tozuka
Shonen Jump, 2020
score: 4/5 censor bars
tasting notes: Immediately metallic, surprisingly sweet finish. Bright, sour notes contribute to a funky feel.